We value your business and so we have our own fuel card that allows you to save money every time you fill up at Caltex, Challenge or Z stations.

This will help reduce your costs, increase your profit and also give you an accountable way of tracking fuel use.

Each card comes with a monthly account, so your drivers need not carry cash, or worse, run out of fuel because they had no cash with them!

Also, you can apply for a card for non-driving and admin staff to allow them to benefit from cheaper fuel. Don't forget your family, we have extended the card system to allow you to have cards for Husband, Wives and other family members.

All you need to do is complete the form below to start the process.

Application Process

This application is for the purchase of all products & services provided by K & L Distributors Limited and/or its authorized agents.

Step 1:
Fill in all details required for section 1.

Step 2
Select either section 2a OR 2b for the type of ownership applicable to you, but don't fill in both sections.
If section 2b is filled in then section 3 is also required to be filled in. All to complete section 4.
Section 5 to be completed if you require fuel cards.

Step 3:
Submit the form.

If you have any questions or queries please contact K & L Distributors Limited on (07) 849 2943.

This application is for the purchase of all products & services provided by K & L Distributors Limited and/or its authorized agents.

Step 1:
Fill in all details required for section 1.

Step 2
Select either section 2a OR 2b for the type of ownership applicable to you, but don't fill in both sections.
If section 2b is filled in then section 3 is also required to be filled in. All to complete section 4.
Section 5 to be completed if you require fuel cards.

Step 3:
Submit the form.

If you have any questions or queries please contact K & L Distributors Limited on (07) 849 2943.


1. Account Details

Legal name
Email address
GST Number
Contact name
Contact position
Phone number
Fax number
Mobile number
Type of business
Years in business
Monthly credit limit requested
Est litres/month Petrol
Est litres/month Diesel
Est litres/month Lubricants
Bank account number
Accountant firm
Accountant name
Trading as
If applicable
Postal address
Delivery address(es) for fuel or goods
First address
Second address

2a. Sole Trader/Partnership Details

For sole traders or partnerships only

Details 1
Last Name
First Name
Residential address
Details 2
Last Name
First Name
Residential address

2b. Limited liability company / trust / incorporated society details

For directors, trustees and elected officials only

Details 1
Last Name
First Name
Residential address
Phone number
Date of birth
Details 2
Last Name
First Name
Residential address
Phone number
Date of birth
Have invoices emailed

3. Ltd liability company / trust / incorporated society - personal guarantee

For Limited liability company / trust / incorporated societies only

Client name
Your business name


IN CONSIDERATION of K & L Distributors Limited and its successors and assigns ("K & L") at the request of the Guarantor (as is now acknowledged) supplying and continuing to supply goods and/or services to ("the Client")

I/WE (also referred to as the “Guarantor/s”) UNCONDITIONALLY AND IRREVOCABLY:

  1. GUARANTEE the due and punctual payment to K & L of all monies which are now owing to K & L by the Client and all further sums of money from time to time owing to K & L by the Client in respect of goods and services supplied or to be supplied by K & L to the Client or any other liability of the Client to K & L, and the due observance and performance by the Client of all its obligations contained or implied in any contract with K & L, including but not limited to the Terms & Conditions of Trade signed by the Client and annexed to this Guarantee and Indemnity. If for any reason the Client does not pay any amount owing to K & L the Guarantor will immediately on demand pay the relevant amount to K & L. In consideration of K & L agreeing to supply the Goods to the Client, the Guarantor charges all of its right, title and interest (joint or several) in any land, realty or other assets capable of being charged, owned by the Guarantor now or in the future, to secure the performance by the Guarantor of its obligations under these terms and conditions (including, but not limited to, the payment of any money) and the Guarantor acknowledges that this personal guarantee and indemnity constitutes a security agreement for the purposes of the Personal Property Securities Act 1999 (“PPSA”) and unequivocally consents to K & L registering any interest so charged. The Guarantor irrevocably appoints K & L and each director of K & L as the Guarantor’s true and lawful attorney/s to perform all necessary acts to give effect to this clause including, but not limited to, signing any document on the Guarantor’s behalf which K & L may reasonably require to:
    1. register a financing statement or financing change statement in relation to a security interest on the Personal Property Securities Register;
    2. register any other document required to be registered by the PPSA or any other law; or
    3. correct a defect in a statement referred to in clause 1(a) or 1(b).
  2. HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY K & L on demand as a separate obligation against any liability (including but not limited to damages, costs, losses and legal fees calculated on a solicitor and own client basis) incurred by, or assessed against, K & L in connection with:
    1. the supply of goods and/or services to the Client; or
    2. the recovery of monies owing to K & L by the Client including the enforcement of this Guarantee and Indemnity, and including but not limited to K & L’s nominees costs of collection and legal costs; or
    3. monies paid by K & L with the Client’s consent in settlement of a dispute that arises or results from a dispute between, K & L, the Client, and a third party or any combination thereof, over the supply of goods and/or services by K & L to the Client.


  1. I/We have received, read and understood K & L’s Terms and Conditions prior to entering into this Guarantee and Indemnity and agree to be bound by those Terms and Conditions.
  2. This Guarantee and Indemnity shall constitute an unconditional and continuing Guarantee and Indemnity and accordingly shall be irrevocable and remain in full force and effect until the whole of monies owing to K & L by the Client and all obligations herein have been fully paid satisfied and performed.
  3. No granting of credit, extension of further credit, or granting of time and no waiver, indulgence or neglect to sue on K & L’s part (whether in respect of the Client or any one or more of any other Guarantor(s) or otherwise) and no failure by any named Guarantor to properly execute this Guarantee and Indemnity shall impair or limit the liability under this Guarantee and Indemnity of any Guarantor. Without affecting the Client’s obligations to K & L, each Guarantor shall be a principal debtor and liable to K & L accordingly.
  4. If any payment received or recovered by K & L is avoided by law such payment shall be deemed not to have discharged the liability of the Guarantor, and the Guarantor and K & L shall each be restored to the position in which they would have been had no such payment been made.
  5. The term “Guarantor” whenever used in this Guarantee and Indemnity shall, if there is more than one person named as Guarantor, mean and refer to each of them individually and all of them together unless the context otherwise requires, and the obligations and agreements on the part of the Guarantor contained in this Guarantee and Indemnity shall bind them jointly and severally.
  6. I/We have been advised to obtain independent legal advice before executing this Guarantee and Indemnity. I/we understand that I/we am/are liable for all amounts owing (both now and in the future) by the Client to K & L.
  7. I/we irrevocably authorise K & L to obtain from any person or company any information which K & L may require for credit reference purposes. I/We further irrevocably authorise K & L to provide to any third party, in response to credit references and enquiries about me/us or by way of information exchange with credit reference agencies, details of this Guarantee and Indemnity and any subsequent dealings that I/we may have with K & L as a result of this Guarantee and Indemnity being actioned by K & L.
  8. The above information is to be used by K & L for all purposes in connection with K & L considering this Guarantee and Indemnity and the subsequent enforcement of the same.
Guarantor 1
Full name
Home address
Date of birth
Name of witness
Present address
Executed as a Deed on
Guarantor 2
Full name
Home address
Date of birth
Name of witness
Present address
Executed as a Deed on



  1. If the Client is a sole trader or partnership the Guarantor(s) should be some other suitable person(s).
  2. If the Client is a club or incorporated society the Guarantor(s) should be the president and secretary or other committee member



4. Declaration

For all applicants

  1. I/We understand that K & L reserves the right to decline any application.
  2. I/We certify that the above information and foregoing statements, including all details completed by us or our guarantor(s), are true and correct, and that I am/we are authorised to make this application for credit. I have read and understand the TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF TRADE (overleaf or attached) of K & L Distributors Limited which form part of, and are intended to be read in conjunction with this Credit Application and agree to be bound by these conditions. I authorise the use of my personal information as detailed in the Privacy Act clause therein. I agree that if I am a director/shareholder (owning at least 15% of the shares), I shall be personally liable for the performance of the obligations under this contract.
Details 1
Last Name
First Name
Details 2
Last Name
First Name

5. Card details

For all Card applicants

Card details
Driver NameRegistration NumberVehicleProduct Restriction TypeDaily LimitMonthly Limit
Terms and Conditions *